Understanding Sexuality by Roy Masters
£10 - including delivery to UK only
“The position is ridiculous, the pleasure only temporary, and the consequence often disastrous.”
It‘s not so much that Mr. Masters is against sex, per se, it’s that he is for a proper relationship between man and woman. Who can deny that when sex is used, as it so often is, as a powerful manipulative device, a questionable energy source or as a distraction from one’s own wrongness, no meaningful marital relationship can exist. Shortly before his death in 1939, Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, confessed, “Up to the present I have not yet found the courage to make any broad statements on the essence of love and I think that our knowledge is not sufficient to do so . . . we really know very little about love.” Roy Masters, on the other hand, believes that he knows the true nature of love. More important, he knows what love is not. He makes the potent point that too many of us mistake need for love. In this powerful volume, Masters’ message is loud and clear; man is pathetically subject to external pressures, a whimpering slave to outer direction, a pig sloshing his life away in a dung heap of emotionalism. All the while arrogantly proclaiming his mastery over body and mind, strutting pridefully in the parade to Hell. William Wolff |