The Secret Path to Peace of Mind by Roy Masters
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Mortal man is lie-created, lie-hungry, lie-led, and lie-dependent.
The lie is the truth to him. It has to be; otherwise, his ego would be forced to see what has happened to him. Satan, Prince of Darkness, operating through the ambitious elite, glorifies in your dying to him. He leads you, through his apostles of ambition, to himself. And he kills you through enticing you into a debilitating lifestyle, filled with lies and pleasures. As long as you believe in the lie, especially the basic one concerning evolution and death, which is simply an extension of pride, you can not find your way to Reality, to everlasting Life. Your life depends on your seeing the truth in what I am revealing here. How can anyone believe in the evolution of man, and yet hope for salvation? From what? For if evolution were the way, there would be no need for salvation, no need for God and His saving grace. I hope that I have disabused you of any belief you may have had in evolution, so that now, through doubting evil and believing good, you may begin your journey to the Light. Previously published under the titles:
Beyond the Known, Copyright ©1988; No One Has To Die, Copyright ©1977 |