Finding God in Physics by Roy Masters
£10 - including delivery to UK only
This book tackles the fundamental question: why we and the universe exist? A simple theory: despite the explosion of knowledge in the last few decades, much of physics still remains a mystery. We know little of how the universe really works, or how it came into existence. Fundamentals escape us - such as the actual cause of gravity. Even the behaviour of light leaves us perplexed. For example, why does light maintain a constant speed? What regulates it? Why does it slow down as it passes through a crystal and then speed up on the other side? What energizes it? These are only a few of the exciting mysteries which Roy Masters brilliantly tackles in "Finding God In Physics: Einstein's Missing Relative."
Einstein himself struggled to understand light, gravity, and time, profoundly questioning the physics of his day. Yes, he startled the world with his Theory of Relativity, but even Einstein failed in his most passionate quest - to find God in physics. Throughout his life he sought a "unified field theory" because he refused to believe in a chaotic, meaningless universe. Einstein was convinced there existed a unifying principle - a single theory containing the cosmic operating system. He believed this system would be both "simple and beautiful," and that it would profoundly reveal the hand of the Master Craftsman, the Unifier of all physics. This little book is an adventure in understanding Einstein's missing Relative - the truth about the unified field that eluded Einstein but in which he still passionately believed. |